rabbitmq freebsd install
rabbitmq is a solid amqp messaging provider, needing only minor manual configuration under freebsd. unfortunately, it's not totally obvious what those manual steps are. Here is what worked for me:
first, install rabbitmq from ports
cd /usr/ports/net/rabbitmq
make install
this might take a while as it needs to compile the Erlang bits. If asked about port config options, make sure you set ADMIN=on, which will set up the web admin interface (assuming you want that).
Next, make sure your /etc/rc.conf asks for rabbitmq to be started
and finally create (this is the manual bit that otherwise will make you read the manual) a startup super config file /usr/local/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf to will tell rabbitmq where to finds its actual config file.
Three things to note here:
- bunny is the name under while rabbitmqctl will look up your rabbit on the Erlang port mapper infrastructure dohickey
- myhostame should be the no-dots (ie: hostname -s) plain primary hostname of your box (as it knows itself)
- there is no rabbitmq file, but the port install did create a vanilla rabbitmq.config file, and rabbitmq automatically appends '.config' to the CONFIG_FILE path
Almost there, now create a vhost and an admin user
rabbitmqctl add_vhost test
rabbitmqctl add_user testadmin secret
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p test testadmin ".*" ".*" ".*"
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags testadmin administrator
Now you can /usr/local/etc/rc.d/rabbitmq start your amqp daemon and log into the rabbitmq webadmin interface on port 15672 to configure things from there using your web browser.